Advertise your business with HEAT!
Your advertising dollar goes a long way with Home Education Athletic Teams. We have approximately 300 athletes in our program and each one has parents, grandparents, friends, and even our opponents, that visit our web site regularly as well as attend our home games. We have close to 40 different sports teams that play all over East Texas and beyond to be able to spread your business name and/or logo far and wide with advertising on the back of a shirt. With our business directory, the web traffic generated allows us to spread the news of how to find your business and support it in appreciation of your support for us.
We have 4 tiers on which to advertise, so please find one that fits your budget and either visit our web page to “register” your advertisement, or fill in the form below and send a check with the person providing you this opportunity. Advertisement funds go toward helping pay for the sport fees for our athletes.
If you sign up on the web, you will have to create a log in ID and then you can provide your business name and information and even upload a logo if you wish. Payment is convenient and secure with payment by credit card or bank draw. And a receipt is available to be printed or emailed to you.